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Truth be told, the band isn't doing much.  I am still interested in playing, albeit in a slightly different direction.

Are you interesting in playing in a roots band? Blues, Jump, Rockabilly, Cajun, Honky Tonk, Rock 'n' Roll. It's all good to me! If you want to do it full time and tour, I wish you luck!  I've got a day job I like and prefer the security of a regular paycheck.  But if you want to jam and might be interested in a few gigs now and then,

People have been asking so here they are!  All the tracks from Hepcat DeVille's demo CD in MP3 format.  (We were called the Hockshop Hepcats when we cut those tracks.)  Please have a listen and let me know what you think.  Thanks for your support! 
All original contents © copyright 1999 - 2012 by JMAC
Last Updated Friday, March 02, 2012 17:11 Central